Wednesday 3 June 2009

Afterlife: The Party by James Fisher

(In the afterlife one of the spirits gently blushes while all the others sing to it Happy Death Day to You. At the end of the song they call for a speech).

Now, this is the spirit talking:

I really don't know what to say to this kind surprise other than Thank You. The wandering, solitary nature of my manisfetation might not make me the easiest soul to spend eternity with, but I truly am lucky to be resting with the souls that I do.

One moment I found myself in the company of you fine spirits and just the moment before I was standing face to face with a speedin 10 ton lorry.

As well as the thanks I already give for this party, I would also like to thank those who made it possible for me to be here. I would like to thank my undertaker, I would like to thank the vicar, I would like to thank my gravedigger...

(Chokes up)

I'm sorry, I always do this when I look back. I would also like to thank Madam Rosa who somewhere back there helps me in my contact with the previous world...

Medium (off): Don't mention it.

...and assures those who unfortunately cannot be with us yet. But when one day they do find their way here I may rest assured that they will be assured that I really have been alright.

Thank you.

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