Monday, 25 May 2009

Dates With Death

Hi Fellow Dead-Stars

The Dead do not rest - they stalk the Earth once more.

And the abosulute schedule is thus:

(NOT July as it says in the blog below)

We will be working at ARC in Stockton in June on the following dates:
Monday 22 June
Tuesday 23 June
Wednesday 24 June

All of the dates will be similar to last year (a 10am - 5pm run each day). I would like to suggest that we have a showing of work in progress to a small audience (i.e ARC team and a couple of others I'd like to suggest) to kep momentum, not go home feeling a bit bereft and, crucially, get some feedback.

We will be working at ARC again on:
Tuesday 29 Sept - full tech run
Wednesday 30 Sept - It's showcase time!! This is when venues and promoters will come to see the show, and we utilise the day to develop a tour plan from this, taking on board concerns from punters from the outset about how we go about marketing and audience development, for which I have some cunning suitably funeric ideas up my shroud sleeve! I will taking the lead on this day and will keep you updated on plans when they are developing.

It is really important all cast members can come to ALL of these dates. I'm really pleased to say that we will be having, as Ross has already mentioned, a brass section with us again (albeit a lot smaller) and Panda will be joining us again for 2 of the days in June is Assistant Director capacity.

As already said, please get your ideas up on this blog!!!!!

In memoriam


Friday, 22 May 2009

GET UP so i can kill you again

Hello again, members of The Dead That Never Lived blogosphere.

As you may know (you’re checking old blogs, so I will assume you do know). The Dead That Never Lived has received a small pot of funding. This money is so we can give the show an overhaul, then do a showcase event in September. Success at this showcase would then lead to a national tour in 2010.

We have three days of rehearsal coming up in June, at the end of which we have to have an all new “Tour Model” TDNL, ready to hit the road.


The first problem is whittling down the cast. We have to produce a tight cast unit that can effectively tour. Our original cast of 13 just wouldn’t be able to work on the road.

Because one of the primary goals of our application is the development of poetry in the North East, I think that some of the work developed by non North-East writers will have to be absorbed by the North East cast.

That would leave the cast as:

Mike Edwards
The Fisher Man

You can see I’ve also removed our actors from the cast (Anglea/Amanda/Shirley) as I think that we need to concentrate on developing the acting skills of the poets. Angela, Amanda and Shirley all helped us a great deal with our stagecraft, but I think we need to take the skills they taught us and apply them ourselves.

Both Moxy and Tim produced fantastic work and were extremely inspiring writers and performers. It’s gutting to lose them, and I really want to keep their work in the show.

My initial thoughts would be to ask Steve to try out for “The Impossible Deathbed Lament of Scrooge McDuck”

and Claire or Viv for “Dog-Eared Death”. Claire, I don’t know if you’d rather take a more Producer-type role for this production, whatever you feel most comfortable with.


We also need some new material for the show. So far, the show has:

1. "George Aligayah" by Jon Osbourne (performed by James Fisher)
2. "Sermon Intro" by Ross Sutherland (performed by Ross Sutherland)
3. "The Impossible Deathbed Lament Of Scrooge McDuck" by Tim Clare (performed by ?????????)
4. "Snow White finally succumbs" by Moxy (video)
5. "Andy Lippincott" by Jeff price (performed by Viv Wiggins)
6. "Rutger Haur" by Ross Sutherland (performed by Simon Hymes)
7. "Lon Cheney" by Claire Morgan (video)
8. "Grim Reaper" by Mike Edwards (performed by Mike Edwards)
9. "Autopsy" by Ross Sutherland (performed by Robbie Hurst, Viv Wiggins, Steve Urwin & Claire Morgan)
10. "Dog-eared death" by Moxy (performed by ????????)
11. "Death Never Fucking Stops" by Ross Sutherland & Mike Edwards (performed by entire cast)
12. "Sermon close" by Ross Sutherland (performed by Ross Sutherland)

(Simon and Robbie’s "Election" video, I’d like to use as a viral video to promote the show, but not include in the show itself.)

I reckon that the content comes to about 45 minutes. Another 15 minutes should be easy enough to fill. Before we meet in July, I’d like to encourage you guys to submit works here on the blog that you think might be suitable.

Ideally, we’re looking for work that directly engages with the theme:


rather than poems that just deal with Death in the abstract. Scrooge McDuck is the model, really.

However, submit everything. Better to have too much to choose from than not enough.

Similarly, if you hear a poem read at an open mic night that seems on-theme, befriend the poet and ask them for a copy.

One last thing here: consider writing a piece that could include the brass band. It would be great to keep a band in the show, but we need to find a way of incorporating what they do into the core of the performance.

Hopefully, by the time we get to rehearsal, we’ll have those new poems in place.

That’s it! I’m really looking forward to working with you guys again. You can send me a private email at, or call me on 07719446025. I don’t have my diary here in front of me, I’ll ask Claire to put up a post with the exact schedule.

Keep checking back here for more info…please submit poems, and please comment on each others poems, and for god sake, don’t die.

Disjecta Membra,
Ross Sutherland