Thursday, 10 July 2008

The Dead That Never Lived: The Film

Hi Guys

So, it's the end of the project. For now at least.
I'm proud of what we managed to achieve over the 3 days of rehearsals.
Thanks again for all your work and support.

I've just finished editing together the recording we made on the night. It's up on Google Video for all to see. (I've put a slightly shorter version up as well for my own publicity purposes.)

Please embed the film into as many websites, etc, as you have access to. It will really help with the hit-rate and allow a much wider audience to enjoy the show. My biggest regret of the project is that after so much thought and preparation, only 50 people got to see the finished product.

There's a chance we might get to do a tour of the show next year. It may not be exactly the same show, but I will keep all participants in the loop. Watch this space.

I'd like to leave this blog up here as an archive of how the show came together. Feel free to keep using it. Make note of any parts of the production that you felt needed to be developed / cut / etc. That way, if we manage to get a touring grant next year, we can already have a plan of action.

Disjecta Membra,

Ross Sutherland