Thursday, 19 June 2008

Death Does Indeed Never Fuckin' Stop

The Dead That Never Lived could live on....

Last week's show was a fantastic event for a number of reasons. Not simply because the final show was an amazing beast in itself, but because the process was really exciting - a really unique
creative practice opportunity for a range of artists to work together on creative practice development with poetry/live literature as the focus.

A number of the artists/writers/performers involved are interested in continuing to meet in Newcastle, forming a kinda multi-media word collective to develop ideas for future events. So if you're up for this keep bloggin.....although I feel like I'm in deep that the show's there anybody out there....?

The next event will be Word Circus Xmas Finale on the 3 July where we sadly say goodbye to Ross - our fantastic Director, Lead Artist and Performance Poet in Residence.....Sob....!

Friday, 13 June 2008

Well done You Deadstars!!!

Just a brief message to say a huge thank you to all you writers and performers for your contribution to Voodoo Word Circus: The Dead That Never Lived. The show was fantastic following an incredible collective process both here on this blog and over the last 3 days at The Mining Institute in Newcastle.

TDTNL will be online within the next 3 weeks or so, so watch out for the show in full!

I'll be writing a more detailed review of the show and the process next week when I get me brain cells back and have had some sleep.
